Show Me the Money! An information session for all small business owners
Show Me the Money! An information session for all small business owners
Thursday, November 2, 2023 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) (EDT)
This event is geared towards small business owners and is hosted by the Putnam County Chamber of Commerce and the WV Small Business Development Center. It will cover building a business plan that contributes to your long-term success for start up financing or business expansion as a small business owner. Training topics will include business financing, creating a business plan, business start-up, pre-planning, and will consist of a Q&A session lead by Carol Jackson, loan officer with First Microloan of West Virginia. This event is FREE and breakfast is provided. Please RSVP to Julie at the Chamber at 304-757-6510 or at
Area 34
971 WV State Route 34
Hurricane, WV 25526 United States
971 WV State Route 34
Hurricane, WV 25526 United States
Thursday, November 2, 2023 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM)
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