Huntington Federal Savings Bank

Huntington Federal Savings Bank
Banks/Mortgages/Credit Unions Banks
We are your neighbor – a local financial partner invested in making the dreams of people throughout this community come true. Since first opening our doors in 1934, we’ve taken great pride in providing personal, one-on-one service. We offer all the conveniences of modern technology, too, but there’s something that our years in business have taught us, and it’s this. There’s still nothing quite as important as knowing a customer by his or her name. Since those early years, Huntington Federal has provided thousands of mortgage loans to homebuyers and paid millions of dollars in interest to depositors. We’ve done it one customer at a time through dedication to making a difference in the lives of those we serve. We also feel it is important to give back to the community that we call home; because of that we have been honored to receive numerous awards and recognition for housing projects to assist the homeless, low income and elderly. We’ve also partnered with other local financial institutions in civic and community development enterprises. Huntington Federal is proud to be a part of Huntington’s distinguished history and is poised to meet the financial and housing needs, not only of its future, but of yours, too. Enjoy your visit with us on our website, but please stop in at one of our offices and meet the people of Huntington Federal Savings Bank. We are here for you and your life’s journey.